The Booty Report

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Arrr! Louisiana be gettin' a new port after a fierce court skirmish that's been draggin' on for ages!


Arrr mateys! The State Supreme Court be givin' the nod for a new city called St. George to sprout in Baton Rouge. Them naysayers be squawkin' about a rich, white folk haven breakin' away, but we'll see if this be a jolly good time or a sinkin' ship!

Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs in the State Supreme Court have allowed a bunch of landlubbers in Baton Rouge to break away and form their own city called St. George. But beware, me mateys, for this new city be nothing but a bunch of fancy, rich folk lookin' to leave the rest of us behind.
Some scallywags be warnin' that this new city could bring nothin' but trouble. They say that it could lead to more segregation and inequality in the region. And if that be true, it could spell disaster for the rest of us poor souls stuck in Baton Rouge.
But fear not, me hearties! We be pirates, and we ain't afraid of a little challenge. We'll stand strong and fight against the tyranny of the wealthy few tryin' to separate themselves from the rest of us. So hoist the Jolly Roger and prepare for battle, for we won't let this new city of St. George take us down without a fight!

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