The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! These land lubbers be feelin' uneasy about this new Rwanda law while they be in the U.K.


Arrr mateys, the scallywags in Britain be talkin' 'bout deportin' asylum seekers to central Africa! We asked the poor souls how they be feelin' 'bout it. Ye can be sure they ain't too happy 'bout the prospect of walkin' the plank to Africa! Aarrrr!

Arrr, me hearties, listen up! There be a new law makin' waves in Britain, threatenin' to send asylum seekers back to central Africa, arrr! Them poor souls be in a right pickle, wonderin' if they be walkin' the plank soon. We asked 'em how they be feelin', and let me tell ye, there be no shortage of fear and uncertainty on the horizon.
Some be sayin' they be fleein' war and persecution, only to face more danger if they be sent back. Others be worryin' 'bout separatin' from their loved ones, makin' me heart ache like a stormy sea. And yet, they be showin' us their strength and resilience, fightin' for their right to stay on dry land.
But fear not, me mateys, for the fight be far from over! The seas be rough, but together, we can weather any storm. So hoist the Jolly Roger and stand with these asylum seekers, for they be seekin' nothin' more than a safe harbor in this cruel world. Arrr, solidarity be our compass, and justice be our treasure!

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