The Booty Report

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"Aye, them Ukrainian prisoners be tellin' tales of trauma and unspeakable acts o' violence, mateys!" Arrr!


Arrr mateys, these poor souls be returnin' with scars both of the body and mind, from the cruel hands of them Russian scallywags. But instead of nursin' 'em back to health, they be throwin' 'em back into battle without a proper mendin'. 'Tis a travesty, I tell ye!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up to this dire tale of the poor soldiers who be returnin' from the clutches of those Russian devils, scarred both in body and mind from their cruel tortures. Instead o' bein' given proper care and treatment fer their wounds, these brave souls be forced back into the fray of battle, ill-prepared and sufferin'.
It be a travesty, I tell ye! These soldiers, who have already given so much in service to their country, deserve better than this. They should be nursed back to health and provided with the support they need to face their demons and heal from their ordeals.
But alas, it seems the powers that be care more about numbers and statistics than the well-bein' of their own men. 'Tis a shame, aye, a cryin' shame!
So let us raise our tankards in solidarity with these gallant soldiers, and demand that they be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Let us not rest until justice is served and proper care is given to those who have sacrificed so much for us all. Yo ho ho, me hearties!

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