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Russia be snatchin' us like loot! We be needin' US to help Ukraine rescue our fellow scallywags. Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Me wee brother and I were snatched by them Russkies, along with 19,000 other scallywags, when that Putin fella invaded Ukraine. We be needin' the help of the Americans to save our land and set the rest of the lads free! Aye, let's rally the troops and show them Russkies what for! Arrr!

Me and me younger brother, Serhiy, were just wee lads when them Russian scallywags came and snatched us from our home in Ukraine. It was a harrowing experience, the worst 9 months of me life, it was.We be orphans from Kharkiv, and when the Russian war broke out, we had to move to Vovchansk to live with a foster family. But them Russian blokes found us, and separated me from me brother, sending us miles apart.The support from America be crucial for us Ukrainians, as Congress and President Biden have pledged to help us fight against them Russian tyrants. We be grateful for this aid and be asking all Americans to stand by us in our battle against Putin.When them Russians took me, they tried to force me to become a citizen, but I refused. I was expelled and left in a country that despised me. But with the help of Save Ukraine, I was able to return home and rescue me brother from the clutches of Russian propaganda.Many Ukrainian children still be trapped in Russia, brainwashed and forced to fight their own people. It be crucial for the U.S. to assist Ukraine in fighting off Russian aggression and rebuilding the future that Russia is trying to steal from us.

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