The Booty Report

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Arr, Trump and DeSantis be meetin' again after a fierce battle in the primaries, may the best scallywag win!


Arrr mateys! The ex-captain and his defeated foe be back in Florrrrida, months after Ron DeSantis walked the plank in a fierce Republican skirmish. Aye, 'tis a grand spectacle of political jousting on the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! The former president and his scallywag rival be crossin' swords in Florida, months after Ron DeSantis walked the plank and abandoned ship after a fierce battle among the Republican crew.
The decks be cleared, the cannons silenced, as these two sea dogs finally come face to face on dry land. Will there be a parley or will swords be drawn once more? Only Davy Jones knows for sure!
The town criers be spreadin' tales of this historic meetin', with folks flockin' from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the clash of titans. Will there be a truce, or will they be at each other's throats once more? Only time will tell!
So gather round, me hearties, and listen closely to the whispers on the wind. The former president and his vanquished rival be settin' sail on a new adventure, with the fate of the land hangin' in the balance. May the best pirate win!

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