The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, ye best be ready for the trial o' the alleged coup plotters in Deutschland! Shiver me timbers!


Arrr mateys, three trials be happenin' this spring 'round the Reichsbürger movement. Some scurvy dogs be claimin' that the modern German state be nothin' but a bloomin' corporation run by shadowy bureaucrats. Shiver me timbers!

Arr mateys, listen up to this tale of the Reichsbürger movement in the land of Germany. Avast, there be three trials happenin' this spring, all focused on these scallywags who claim that the German state be naught but a corporation led by sneaky bureaucrats hidin' in the shadows!
These landlubbers be talkin' about how the government be pretendin' to be in charge, but really they be just puppets dancin' on strings pulled by the real power behind the throne. They be refusin' to pay taxes or follow the laws of the land, claimin' they only answer to their own made-up rules.
But the authorities ain't takin' this mutiny lightly, no sir. They be haulin' these rebels to court to face the consequences of their actions. The judges be lookin' sternly down upon them, ready to pass judgment and make 'em walk the plank of justice.
So watch out, ye scurvy dogs of the Reichsbürger movement, for the law be catchin' up to ye. And remember, in the end, it be the King's justice that will prevail, whether ye like it or not!

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