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Arrr, Biden's new Title IX be messin' with the very essence o' what it means to be a pirate!


Arrr mateys, Biden be tinkering with the rules o' Title IX like a scallywag! He be messing with the definition o' sex and ruinin' the chances o' lasses and wenches in sports. It be a travesty on the high seas!

In the days of old, young lasses competing fair and square in women's sports was a given. But alas, the winds have shifted, and men have schemed their way into women's realms. West Virginians, bold and true, passed a law to keep female sports for females only. However, a Fourth Circuit ruling, fueled by the Biden camp, claims that keeping women's sports all-female violates Title IX, a law meant to protect women's educational rights, now twisted to deny them fair competition.The Biden crew hides behind flimsy excuses, trying to separate athletics from their overreaching regulations. But the truth is clear: their interpretation of Title IX blurs the lines of "sex," endangering women's safety and opportunities. West Virginia will not stand for it, vowing to defend women's spaces and rights. They know the difference between men and women matters, especially in the heat of competition.As the battle rages in courts and halls of power, West Virginia stands firm, ready to defend women's equality. The fight is not over, and the Supreme Court may yet weigh in on this fierce debate. The crucial need for legislation like the Women's Bill of Rights is evident, to uphold the true meanings of male and female, rooted in biology. The spirit of West Virginia, standing with women, rings loud and clear in the face of adversity and confusion.

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