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Arrr, 40 scallywags sent to Davey Jones' locker after dam be crumblin' in western Kenya, the constables report!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a tragic tale indeed! Over 40 souls sent to Davy Jones' locker after a dam did collapse in Kenya. 'Tis a watery grave for many, as the rains continue to wreak havoc on land and sea. Aye, the Reaper be a busy man this day!

Arrr, 40 scallywags sent to Davey Jones' locker after dam be crumblin' in western Kenya, the constables report!

Avast ye scallywags! A dam collapsed in western Kenya, takin' the lives of at least 40 landlubbers as a wall of water swept through their dwellin's and cut off a major road, as reported by the constables.The Old Kijabe Dam, situated in the treacherous Mai Mahiu region of the Great Rift Valley, gave way, spillin' its contents downstream, as confirmed by the constabulary official Stephen Kirui.The rains in Kenya have been fierce, causin' floods that have already sent nearly 100 souls to Davy Jones' locker and delayed the openin' of schools.Ye heard right, 70 souls have been claimed by the flood waters in Kenya, with more rain on the horizon, as warned by the weather folk.Across the East African region, the deluge continues, with Tanzania sufferin' 155 casualties and Burundi seein' over 200,000 souls affected.The main airport in Kenya was even flooded, makin' some flights change course as the runways became rivers.Over 200,000 folks in Kenya have felt the wrath of the floods, with homes under water and people seekin' shelter in schools.Captain William Ruto has ordered the National Youth Service to provide land for a temporary camp for those displaced by the calamity. Arrr, may the seas calm soon and the skies clear for these poor souls!

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