The Booty Report

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Arrr, EU be wantin' ships to slow down, UK says nay to that fancy contraption. Full speed ahead, mateys!


Avast ye landlubbers! The European Union be mandatin' a safety contraption for yer land ships that be slowin' 'em down when ye be exceedin' the speed limit. 'Tis said to be preventin' fatal crashes by as much as 12%.Arrr, better watch yer speed, or ye be walkin' the plank!

Arr, mateys! Listen up ye landlubbers and scallywags! All new carriages and vessels sold within the European Union and Northern Ireland after July 6, 2024, be mandated to have safety technology activated to alert ye drivers when they be speeding! Aye, the technology be makin' noises, vibratin', or even slowin' the vessel down to prevent car crashes, savvy?Now, the United Kingdom be choosin' not to make intelligent speed assistance (ISA) mandatory on its roads, but the safety feature will still be installed on vessels. Drivers can choose to activate the technology each day, arr!The ISA technology be usin' a spyglass to read speed limit signs and GPS to know the speed limits where the vessel be sailin'. If a driver be exceedin' the speed limit, ISA will warn them with beeps or vibrations.If the driver still be not slowin' down, the technology will take control and reduce the speed of the vessel to the proper limit. The European Transport Safety Council be estimatin' that ISA will decrease collisions by 30% and deaths by 20%!Ford and other shipwrights have been offerin' ISA since 2015, and all new vessels in Europe have had ISA since 2022. The technology not only saves lives but also helps avoid speedin' tickets, arr mateys!Leeds University be predictin' a 12% decrease in injuries from crashes in the UK with ISA in place. The European Union be takin' action to reduce the number of deaths on the roads, for every year 25,000 souls be losin' their lives. So hoist the sails, me hearties, and let ISA guide ye safely on the road!

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