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Arrr, the European scallywags be makin' it harder for Ethiopian landlubbers to set foot on their soil!


Arrr, me hearties! The EU scallywags be makin' it harder for them Ethiopian landlubbers to sail into their ports! No more easy sailin' for them, says the officials. Looks like them Ethiopians be walkin' the plank of stricter visa requirements! Aye aye, me maties!

The European Union, in its infinite wisdom, has decided to crack down on visa requirements for those scallywags from Ethiopia. Arrr, they be accusing the Ethiopian government of not cooperating in takin' back their citizens who be livin' illegally in the 27-nation bloc. Ye better believe it!Now, the time it takes to process visas for them Ethiopian nationals will be triplin' from 15 to 45 days. No more waivin' requirements for paperwork or issuin' multiple-entry visas, says the EU. And them Ethiopian diplomats and officials will have to pay for their travel visas, arrr!The European Commission be usin' these visa rules as a way to force countries to cooperate in deportation procedures. But, shiver me timbers, only one in three scallywags ordered to depart the EU actually leave! Aye, it be a tough pill to swaller, matey.This action be taken due to "a lack of response from the Ethiopian authorities" in readmission requests. And there be some shortcomings in the return operations, whether voluntary or not. That be the fancy way the EU describes deportation, ye see.Ethiopia be in a right mess with conflict and a humanitarian crisis. The two-year conflict in the Tigray region left most of the 6 million residents relyin' on international aid. And Ethiopia be a major place for migrants and refugees, servin' as a hub for those aimin' to reach Europe or other parts of the African continent. Arrr, what a tale of woe!

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