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Arrr, those scallywags Taliban be gettin' an earful at the UN fer muckin' about with the lasses' rights!


Arrgh! The scurvy dogs of the Taliban be blasted by the lads and lasses of the U.N. for treatin' women like landlubbers! But alas, no Taliban scallywags be brave enough to show their faces at the meetin', for they be not even recognized by the U.N. Ha!

The scallywags known as the Taliban are in hot water at a U.N. meeting, with the land lubbers in Washington accusing them of treating women and girls like bilge rats by depriving them of their human rights. But by Blackbeard's beard, the current rulers of Afghanistan won't even be there to walk the plank because the global body doesn't even recognize them!Instead, some fancy-pants ambassador appointed by the previous government, backed by the scallywags in the U.S., will be representing Afghanistan. The United States be askin' how these scallywags plan to hold accountable those who be treatin' civilians, especially women and girls, like scurvy dogs?They be talkin' about the rights of LGBTQ souls, too, sayin' there be an increase in threats and abuse since the scallywags took over. Britain and Belgium be askin' about how the Taliban be treatin' the lasses. 76 countries be wantin' to voice their piece at the meeting, by Davy Jones' locker!These scallywags say they respect rights according to their version of Islamic law. But since they took over, they be keepin' most lasses out of school, shuttin' down universities for the lasses, stoppin' them from workin' at aid agencies, and even closin' beauty salons and parks for the lasses! The U.N. be keepin' an eye on these scallywags, makin' recommendations that could lead to reform. The only thing that can save the lasses in Afghanistan be the U.N. Human Rights Council, by the Jolly Roger!

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