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Arrr, World Central Galley, famed for wartime grub, be settin' sail fer Gaza once more after losin' some crew.


Arrr mateys, World Central Kitchen be settin' sail once more in the Gaza Strip after a brief hiatus. The scallywags tried to stop us, but we be back in action, feedin' the hungry and showin' those landlubbers what we be made of! Aye aye, let's get cookin'!

Arr mateys! World Central Kitchen (WCK) be settin' sail back to the Gaza Strip after a treacherous attack took the lives of seven of their crew members in an Israeli air strike. This brave crew had been dishin' out more than 43 million meals in Gaza since October, a true testament to their dedication to helpin' those in need.The charity be packin' 276 trucks full of grub, ready to make their way through the treacherous waters of the Rafah Crossing and into Gaza from Jordan. Despite the dangers, the chief executive officer Erin Gore be adamant about resumin' their mission to feed as many hungry mouths as possible.Israel be admittin' to their errors and breaches in procedure that led to the tragic deaths, but WCK be demandin' an independent investigation to ensure justice be served. The conflict between Israel and Hamas be takin' a heavy toll on the people of Gaza, but WCK be determined to keep feedin' those in need, no matter the risks. Aye, the seas may be rough, but this crew be committed to showin' up and providin' food in the toughest of times.

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