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Avast ye mateys! Five threats from the Orient that the landlubber US better heed, or face dire consequences! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, our nation's founding principles be the very treasure that gives us strength! Let us wield them like a cutlass and show those scurvy Chinese Communists the true colors of the U.S. of A! Arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the threats from the Chinese Communist Party be growin' like a storm on the horizon. From the market plunderin' that be hurtin' American industry to the fentanyl scourge ravagin' our communities, and the constant military threats against our mates and allies, the CCP be showin' why Democrats and Republicans must band together to oppose its treacherous activities. As the Captain of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, here be five key areas where I believe the United States must focus our cannons to resist Beijing.Me and me crew sailed to Taiwan in February, and the urgent need to bolster our defense against the CCP's military ambitions became crystal clear. China produces most of the world's fentanyl precursors, and we need to apply maximum pressure against the scallywags behind this deadly trade. The CCP be tryin' to dominate key supply chains and bend other countries to its will, and we cannot let our nation's economic treasure fall into their grasp.The CCP's influence be spreadin' across America, includin' in me home-state of Michigan. CCP-affiliated companies threaten our national security and economic independence, and we must stand firm against their plunder. We must use our national strength and founding principles to stand strong against the treachery of the CCP. We be in a fierce competition, but with bipartisan cooperation, we can emerge victorious against this enemy.Ahoy! Republican John Moolenaar be representin' Michigan's 2nd district in the United States House of Representatives as the chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.

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