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Arrr! The scallywags from China be mixin' potions! US mateys be demandin' answers from the drug czar!


Arrr mateys! The American athlete groups be cryin' for a scurvy independent investigation into the case of them Chinese swimmers who be caught usin' banned heart medicine. Avast ye! They be demandin' justice for the cheatin' scallywags!

Two key American athlete groups are demanding a "truly independent" investigation into the case of 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive for a banned heart medication but were not sanctioned. The USA Swimming Athletes' Advisory Council and the Team USA Athletes' Commission sent a letter to Rahul Gupta, the country's drug czar, urging for action.Gupta, who is on the World Anti-Doping Agency's executive committee, is set to participate in a special meeting with other government officials to address the doping scandal. The athletes expressed their disappointment in WADA's handling of the situation, questioning the fairness and integrity of the competition.WADA has denied any wrongdoing, stating that the Chinese swimmers' samples were contaminated. However, critics argue that the organization failed to follow its own protocols and ensure transparency in the process.Despite WADA appointing a Swiss prosecutor to review the cases, concerns remain about the independence and scope of the investigation. The athletes, including prominent swimmer Lilly King, are calling for accountability and assurance that the playing field is level for all competitors.

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