The Booty Report

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Arrrr, Blinken be sailin' to Jordan to parley 'bout helpin' them scurvy dogs in Gaza, savvy?


Arrr, the Biden scallywags be tryin' to make Hamas walk the plank into a temporary truce in the battle at Gaza, and release some poor prisoners to boot. Mayhaps they'll succeed, or mayhaps they'll end up in Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, mateys! The Biden crew be tryin' to make those scallywags in Hamas walk the plank and agree to a truce in the battle o' Gaza. They be wantin' to free some o' their prisoners too, like a ransom for peace. It be like tryin' to negotiate with a parrot who won't stop squawkin'.
But them pirates in Hamas be holdin' strong, refusin' to give in to the demands. They be like a ship with a broken mast, driftin' aimlessly in the sea. The Biden crew be paddlin' harder than a rowboat in a hurricane, tryin' to steer 'em towards the light.
Will they be able to convince those landlubbers in Hamas to come to terms? Only time will tell, me hearties. In the meantime, the battle rages on, cannons blastin' and swords clashing. It be a fight to the death, with no quarter given.
So batten down the hatches, me mateys, and prepare for a rough voyage ahead. The Biden crew be sailin' into dangerous waters, but with grit and determination, they just might be able to bring peace to the troubled seas of Gaza.

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