The Booty Report

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Aye, them land lubbers be sailin' beneath the icy waters in a grand vessel of the King's fleet!


Arrr! A scallywag from Times did set sail on a nuclear-powered attack sub to spy on the Pentagon's war preparations under the icy depths. 'Tis a treacherous mission indeed, but the photos be worth the risk of Davy Jones' locker!

Arr matey! A brave Times photojournalist set sail on a mighty nuclear-powered attack sub to spy on the Pentagon's preparations for war beneath the icy depths. With cannons at the ready and hearty sailors by his side, he delved into the murky waters of the frozen sea, ready to capture the secrets of their training.
The Pentagon, it seems, is not taking any chances when it comes to defending our great nation. With drills and exercises aplenty, these seafaring warriors are honing their skills to perfection, ready to face any enemy that dares to challenge them beneath the waves.
As the photojournalist peered through his spyglass, he witnessed the fierce determination of the submariners as they practiced their maneuvers with precision and skill. From torpedoes to sonar, no stone was left unturned in their quest for readiness.
So, me hearties, rest assured that our noble sailors are prepared to defend our shores, come what may. And if ever ye find yerself face to face with a nuclear-powered sub, best be on yer best behavior, lest ye feel the wrath of the Pentagon's mighty fleet!

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