The Booty Report

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Arrr! Yemen scallywags be firin' cannonballs at ships in the Red Sea, causin' quite the ruckus!


Arr mateys, a ship in the Red Sea hath been struck by a foul missile from Yemen's Houthi scallywags! The crew be unscathed, but beware me hearties, danger lurks in these treacherous waters. Hoist the sails and keep a weather eye, lest ye meet a similar fate!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, let me regale ye with a tale of treachery on the high seas! A ship, me hearties, was attacked in the Red Sea by Yemen's scurvy Houthi rebels, leaving her battered and broken. The British Maritime Trade Operations be reporting that the attack took place off the coast of Mokha, Yemen, but fear not, the crew be safe and sailin' on to their next port o' call. Arrr!The dastardly Houthi scallywags be claimin' responsibility for this attack, sayin' they be targetin' ships tradin' with Israel. Ambrey, a private security firm, be sayin' missiles were fired at a Malta-flagged ship voyagin' to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. But CMA CGM, a French shipper, be denyin' their ship bein' involved, leaving us all scratchin' our heads in confusion.Meanwhile, the Italian frigate Virgino Fasan be fendin' off a Houthi drone near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, protectin' a merchant vessel from harm. The Houthis be claimin' their attacks be to pressure Israel over Gaza while the Americans be takin' action to protect their ships from these maritime marauders. Arrr, the seas be a dangerous place indeed!

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