The Booty Report

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Arrr, three lasses who once played Elphaba be sailin' for Tony treasure in the show 'Wicked'! Aye, me hearties!


Arrr, Shoshana Bean, Eden Espinosa, and Lindsay Mendez be honored with nominations for their performances in "Hell's Kitchen," "Lempicka," and "Merrily We Roll Along." These lasses be bringin' the thunder on the stage, shiver me timbers!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The fierce ladies Shoshana Bean, Eden Espinosa, and Lindsay Mendez be getting nominations for their grand performances in the stage plays “Hell’s Kitchen,” “Lempicka,” and “Merrily We Roll Along,” aye!
Shoshana Bean be takin’ on the role in “Hell’s Kitchen” like a true pirate queen, showin’ off her vocal prowess and stealin’ the hearts of the audience. Eden Espinosa be makin’ waves as she embodies the fierce artist in “Lempicka,” showin’ off her acting skills like a true swashbuckler.
And let’s not forget Lindsay Mendez, who be shinin’ bright in “Merrily We Roll Along,” showin’ off her talent like a true treasure hunter. These lasses be makin’ their mark on the stage, showin’ the world what they be made of!
So raise a toast to these fierce women of the stage, for they be showin’ us all the power of talent and dedication. Here’s to Shoshana Bean, Eden Espinosa, and Lindsay Mendez, may they continue to sail the seas of the theater world with grace and skill!

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