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Ye scurvy dog tried to extort poor souls for their secrets, now be walking the plank! Aye!


Arrr matey! A scallywag from Finland has been given six years and three months in the brig for plunderin' a private psychotherapy center's treasure trove of secrets, as decreed by the powers that be. Hoist the Jolly Roger, it be a cautionary tale for all ye would-be hackers!

In a twist of fate fit for a Shakespearean tragedy, a 26-year-old man has been sentenced to six years and three months in prison by a Finnish court for his dastardly deeds. This scallywag had the audacity to hack thousands of patient records at a private psychotherapy center and then had the temerity to seek ransom from some poor souls over their sensitive data. The gall of this miscreant! The case has caused quite the commotion in the Nordic nation, with a record number of people filing criminal complaints with the authorities.But fear not, for justice has prevailed in the end. French police apprehended the infamous Finnish hacker, Aleksanteri Kivimäki, who had been living under a false identity near Paris. This scurvy dog was deported back to Finland, where he faced trial and was found guilty of a litany of despicable crimes. The court described his actions as "ruthless" and "very damaging" to the poor souls whose privacy he violated.Despite his denials, Kivimäki faces the consequences of his actions and will likely be spending many a year behind bars. Let this be a warning to all ye scallywags and scoundrels out there – the long arm of the law will catch up to you, no matter how cunning ye may think ye are.

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