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Arrr! The Paris lawmen be shooing away 100 landlubbers from their camp near City Hall as the Olympics draw near!


Arrr! The Paris constables be sweepin' away the migrant lodgings in their quest to make the city pretty for the Summer Olympics. 'Tis a grand effort to spruce up the place, but methinks they be missin' the true treasure of diversity in their midst. Arrr!

In a jolly ol' adventure, the French police decided to evict some lads from their cozy tent-camp near Paris City Hall. The police, in their bright and early operation, woke up around 100 young men from West Africa and told them to pack up their tents and belongings. The police claimed it was all for security reasons, as the camp was too close to schools.Arr, the Paris-region officials offered these young men a temporary stay in a town called Angers for three weeks, but only a couple of them decided to board the bus. The rest were not keen on being left stranded in Angers once the temporary accommodations ran out.Yo ho ho! The Revers de la Médaille group be cryin' foul, claimin' that these evictions be just a never-ending cycle of social cleansing to make way for the beautiful Paris postcard. The Paris police chief, Laurent Nunez, ordered the clear-out due to the camp blocking pavements and being too close to public buildings.Shiver me timbers! These clear-outs be happenin' every spring in France, but this time it seems to be happening more frequently with the upcoming Olympics. The aid groups be complainin' that people bein' evicted are not bein' offered proper shelter in the Paris region, where they have important court dates and meetings about their residency requests.

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