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Avast ye! Former scallywag from Kazakhstan be jailed for stirring trouble that sent 238 souls to Davy Jones' locker!


Arr, me hearties! Former Kazakh Interior Minister Erlan Turgumbayev hath been clapped in irons fer his part in a rowdy ruckus of protests in 2022. The scallywag be in hot water now, arr! Me thinks he be walkin' the plank soon enough!

Avast ye landlubbers! In the land of Kazakhstan, the authorities have captured a former interior minister, Erlan Turgumbayev, for his role in a brutal crackdown on rioters back in 2022. The scallywags in the Prosecutor General's Office be accusing him of abusing his power and authority, which led to some serious consequences during the unrest that started in Zhanaozen.It all began when the locals got their breeches in a bunch over the skyrocketing prices of liquefied petroleum gas. But what started as a simple protest turned into a full-on skirmish against corruption and economic inequality, with the former leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev, taking the brunt of the blame for lining his pockets with the country's riches.Things got so out of hand that President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev had to give the order to shoot any scallywags causing trouble in the streets. After the dust settled, he made some changes to prevent another mutiny, like limiting the presidency to a single term and giving old Nazarbayev the boot from his cushy council seat.As for Turgumbayev, he was keelhauled from his post not long after the chaos subsided. Seems like the winds of change be blowing in Kazakhstan, and it be high time for those in power to walk the plank if they can't keep the peace among the crew.

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