The Booty Report

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Me hearties be tellin' tales of armed scallywags plunderin' patients at a Mexicano hospital! Aye, the seas be treacherous indeed! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis be said that armed scurvy dogs be sendin' a young landlubber to Davy Jones' locker at a hospital in Mexico! The barnacles be talkin' 'bout it in Morelos, so be sure to keep a weather eye on yer backs, mateys! Arrr!

Arr mateys, armed scallywags be stormin' a hospital in central Mexico, takin' down a poor soul bein' treated for a gunshot wound! Them prosecutors in Morelos state be sayin' this dastardly deed happened in Cuernavaca, the city's capital. The scallywags made their way into the intensive care unit, blastin' the patient to Davy Jones' locker afore fleein' the scene. The poor lad, only 23 years old, had been admitted just days afore fer a gunshot wound.Killings in hospitals be rare but not unheard of in Mexico. Afore this, a villain disguised as a doctor tried to take out a patient in Sinaloa. In 2023, hitmen raided a hospital in Culiacán, Sinaloa, tryin' to send a patient to Davy Jones' locker. But a skirmish broke out, leavin' four souls, includin' a doctor, dead.Gangs in Mexico be ruthless, tryin' to finish off their wounded foes in hospitals or ambulances. In 2021, two medics were sent to Davy Jones' locker while transportin' a patient in Zacatecas, a land plagued by violence.

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