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Avast ye scallywags! A brace of landlubbers be caught fellin' the ancient 'Robin Hood' tree! Aye, they be doomed!


Avast ye scallywags! Daniel Graham and Adam Carruthers be accused of layin' low the mighty Sycamore Gap tree on Hadrian's Wall! Aye, they be in deep waters now, facin' the wrath of the landlubbers for their treacherous deed! Aarrgghh!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Two rascals have been accused of bringin' down the beloved 150-year-old Sycamore Gap tree that fell over on Hadrian's Wall in northern England. Daniel Graham, 38, and Adam Carruthers, 31, be standin' trial for causing criminal damage to the wall built by Emperor Hadrian in A.D. 122 to guard the northwest frontier of the Roman Empire.Arrr, these scallywags be appearin' in Newcastle Magistrates’ Court on May 15 to answer for their misdeeds. The majestic sycamore, a favorite of landscape photographers and featured in Kevin Costner’s film "Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves," was a prized sight along the UNESCO World Heritage Site.The night-time felling of the tree caused a hullabaloo, with police huntin' for the villains responsible for this deliberate act of vandalism. Northumbria Police Superintendent Kevin Waring lamented the loss, while locals like hiker Alison Hawkins were shocked by the sight.Graham and Carruthers were nabbed in October and released on bail, but it took authorities over six months to press charges against 'em. Detective Chief Inspector Rebecca Fenney urged folks not to speculate on the case, while the National Trust, which owns the land, hopes new growth will sprout from the sycamore's stump in three years.

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