The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Blinken be chattin' with them Israeli leaders while Netanyahu be talkin' 'bout raidin' Rafah! Arrr!


Arr matey, the scallywags in the Biden crew be wantin' the scurvy dogs of Hamas to agree to a parley 'afore they be settin' foot on their cursed land again. Aye, 'tis a fine jester indeed, but will they be takin' the bait? Only time will tell, me hearties!

Avast ye scallywags! The Biden administration be wantin' Hamas to agree to a cease-fire deal before settin' foot on land for a new ground invasion. Arrr! It be like they be tellin' the scallywags to stop their shenanigans before they be sendin' in the cannons and swords!
But me hearties, this be no easy task. Them Hamas scallywags be as stubborn as a mule and fierce as a sea serpent. It be like tryin' to negotiate with a pack of wild parrots! But the Biden crew be standin' firm, demandin' peace before they be droppin' anchor on enemy shores.
Ye see, the sea be a treacherous place, and landin' on foreign soil be no joke. The Biden crew be wantin' to avoid the bloodshed and chaos that be followin' a ground invasion. They be hopin' that peace talks will save lives and bring about a swift end to the conflict.
So raise the Jolly Roger, me hearties, and let's see if them scallywags be willin' to strike a deal before the cannons start blastin'! It be a game of cat and mouse on the high seas, but with a bit o' luck and a fair wind, peace may yet prevail.

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