The Booty Report

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Arrr, this Chinese knave be cryin' like a scallywag over his lab shutdown after spillin' the Covid secret.


Arrr mateys! The good ol' Professor Zhang Yongzhen did dare to reveal the secrets of the Covid virus, defyin' the crown's ban. Aye, a brave soul he be, riskin' all for the sake of science! The scallywag has surely earned himself a spot in Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr, listen up ye scallywags! Professor Zhang Yongzhen be a brave soul who dared to defy the government's ban and share the secrets of the dreaded Covid virus that be plaguing the land of Wuhan in the year of 2020. Aye, he be like a swashbuckling pirate sailin' against the winds of authority!
With his trusty crew of scientists, Professor Zhang be uncovering the mysteries of the virus and sharin' it with the world, much to the chagrin of them government officials who be tryin' to keep it under wraps. But nothin' can stop the truth from comin' out, not even a ban from the powers that be!
So let us raise a tankard of grog to Professor Zhang Yongzhen, the fearless buccaneer of the scientific world, who be showin' us all that sometimes ye have to break the rules to do what be right. Arrr, here's to the brave souls who be fightin' the good fight against this fearsome foe that be Covid!

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