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Yarrr! Portuguese vessel be under attack by Arabian Sea drones; Houthi scallywags be takin' the blame. Aye matey!


Arrr mateys, a Portuguese vessel hath been set upon by a flying contraption in the Arabian Sea! 'Tis a tale of woe, as the rebel scallywags be boastin' 'bout their first successful deep-sea raid. Aye, the high seas be a treacherous place indeed!

In the far reaches of the Arabian Sea, a Portuguese-flagged container ship was attacked by a drone, claimed by Yemen's Houthi rebels. This marks the first confirmed deep-sea assault by the Houthis, suggesting they, or perhaps Iran, have the ability to strike into the Indian Ocean. The attack occurred 375 miles off the coast of Yemen, with the ship sustaining minor damage and all crew members safe. The MSC Orion, associated with Zodiac Maritime, was on its way to Salalah, Oman. The Houthis targeted the ship due to its perceived Israeli affiliation, according to the Joint Maritime Information Center.The rebels claimed the attack days later, raising questions about their ability to carry out such a distant assault. Iran, known for supplying the Houthis, has been linked to previous complex attacks. The Houthis aim to pressure Israel to end the conflict with Hamas, launching over 50 attacks on shipping since November. Despite recent airstrikes targeting the rebels, attacks have resumed, including the drone attack on the Cyclades and shooting down a US military drone.

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