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Avast ye landlubbers! The rain be takin' its toll in Brazil, claimin' at least 10 souls. Aye, 'tis rough seas ahead!


Arrr mateys, the heavens be weepin' like a lass o'er lost treasure in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul state! Ten souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker and 21 scallywags be missin' since Monday, as told by the national authorities. Aye, beware the wrath of Mother Nature!

Arr mateys, heavy rains be wreakin' havoc in Brazil’s southern Rio Grande do Sul state! At least 10 poor souls be pushin' up daisies, with 21 more missin' since Monday, as per the country's civil defense scallywags.Another 11 landlubbers be injured, with over 3,300 forced to abandon ship due to the storm's wrath. Electricity and water cuts be plaguin' the state, while flooded roads, landslides, and even collapsed bridges be causin' chaos as rivers and streams overflow.The Brazilian Air Force be swoopin' in to rescue stranded souls, dispatchin' two helicopters for the mission. The crisis Cabinet be scramblin' to save folks in isolated areas as the priority, says vice-governor Gabriel Souza.Be wary of dams at risk of failin' and floodin', as residents in nearby areas be moved to safer waters. The downpour be expected to continue through Friday, with some areas seein' more than 6 inches of rain in a day.El Niño be stirrin' up this wild weather, causin' droughts in the north and torrential rain in the south. This year's El Niño be causin' quite the ruckus, with scientists blamin' human-induced climate change for the increase in extreme weather events.

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