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Arrr! Colombia's leader be swearin' off Israel over the ruckus in Gaza. Avast ye diplomatic relations!


Avast ye scallywags! News be spreading like wildfire that Colombia be cuttin' ties with Israel o'er the war with Hamas. Mayhaps the cannons be ready to fire or will they be settlin' this squabble over a pint of grog? Aye, only time will tell!

In a jolly old twist of events, Colombian President Gustavo Petro has declared a chucking of diplomatic relations with Israel, mateys! The scallywag president be claiming Israel be committing "genocide" in Gaza, suspendin' weapon purchases and comparing their actions to those of Nazi Germany. Avast!During an International Workers' Day march in Colombia's capital, Petro shouted, "Tomorrow, we be cuttin' ties with the State of Israel for havin' a genocidal president! If Palestine be dyin', humanity be dyin', and we won't stand for it!"But Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz fired back, callin' Petro a scurvy dog for siding with "despicable monsters" who be doin' unspeakable deeds. The tension between the two nations has been brewin' since the Hamas attack in October, with Colombia historically bein' a close ally of Israel in Latin America.Despite bein' mates in the past, Colombia be usin' Israeli warplanes and weapons to battle drug cartels and rebel scallywags. But Katz be swearin' that the bond between Israel and Colombia be strong, and no hateful president be changin' that. Arrr!Colombia and Israel's military ties run deep, with Colombia buyin' fighter jets from Israel in the '80s that helped crush rebel forces. Petro, in the midst of all this, be pushin' his health care, pension, and labor reforms while marchin' with his crew in Bogota.

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