The Booty Report

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Arrr, at Indiana University, the scallywags be causin' even more trouble in a year already full o' strife!


Arr, the ruckus in Bloomington, Ind., where rowdy protests have seen many scallywags be thrown in the brig and demands for the captains of the university to walk the plank, be a fine example of the protest mutiny spreading far and wide. Aye!

Ahoy there me hearties! The sea of Bloomington, Ind. be churnin' with a mighty storm of protests and unrest. The landlubbers be raisin' their voices and raisin' their fists in a show of defiance against the university leaders. The scallywags be takin' to the streets and causin' such a ruckus that dozens of 'em have been clapped in irons by the authorities.
The protest movement be spreadin' like wildfire, reachin' far and wide across the land. The leaders of the university be feelin' the heat, with calls for 'em to walk the plank and resign from their posts. The rumblings of discontent be growin' louder and louder, like the roar of a cannon in battle.
But fear not me hearties, for in every storm there be a calm. The winds of change be blowin', and who knows what treasures await at the end of this tumultuous journey. So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare for whatever may come next in this wild adventure on the high seas of protest and rebellion!

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