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Arr matey! A scallywag from the University of Tehran claims them US college troublemakers will back Iran in battle. Arrr!


Arrr, a learned matey from Tehran's University, trained in the wilds of the U.S., claims the scurvy dogs of the Islamic State be gleeful at the sight of protests in America. He also warns that they be standin' with Iran in any battle that may come our way. Aye, a strange tale indeed!

In a recent interview, a University of Tehran professor expressed delight in seeing protests on U.S. college campuses, suggesting that these protestors would support Iran in any potential conflict with the United States. Professor Foad Izadi, a member of the Islamic Republic, emphasized the importance of these demonstrations in undermining U.S. support for Israel. He claimed that without the Islamic Republic's involvement, the Palestinian cause would have been abandoned long ago. Izadi also mentioned the existence of Hezbollah-style groups in the U.S., larger than those in Lebanon, that could potentially support Iran in times of tension.Iran expert Lisa Daftari criticized Izadi's comments, highlighting the Iranian regime's oppressive treatment of its own students while applauding American protestors. She noted Iran's efforts to infiltrate American universities and increase its influence abroad, despite the suffering of the Iranian people under their leaders. Daftari expressed concern over Iran's potential use of these protests as a platform for launching attacks in the West, questioning whether they would focus on physical or informational warfare, or both.

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