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Arrr! Mexican coppers claim 5 scallywags be sent to Davy Jones' locker from guzzlin' cursed grog in voodoo rite!


Arrr mateys! Five scallywags met their doom in southern Mexico's Oaxaca state after partakin' in a deadly brew of mysterious substances, so says the constabulary on Wednesday. Beware the cursed concoctions, ye landlubbers, lest ye meet a similar fate! Arrr!

In a tragic turn of events, five scallywags have met their maker after sipping on a deadly concoction during a Santeria ceremony in the southern lands of Mexico. The scallywag known as Iván García Alvarez, chief of the Oaxaca state police, revealed that four rogues and a lass perished after imbibing a mysterious mixture of substances.These poor souls were dabbling in the ways of Santeria, a faith born in Cuba from the melding of Yoruba spiritual beliefs with Catholic traditions. The victims thought they could gain mystical powers by drinking the poison potion they brewed themselves, only to meet a swift end.Their lifeless bodies were discovered without a scratch on them, prompting an investigation into this group suicide. While nefarious rituals involving toxic substances are not uncommon in Mexico, the exact components of this deadly brew remain a mystery.In a separate incident, a scallywag from Mexico City confessed to heinous crimes, including selling the bones of his victims to practitioners of Santeria. Whether his tale is true or simply the ramblings of a madman remains to be seen, but the dark shadow of Santeria continues to loom over Mexico.

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