The Booty Report

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The F.T.C. be givin' the nod to Exxon Mobil's plunderin' of Pioneer Natural Resources. Shiver me timbers!


Avast ye scallywags! The Federal Trade Commission be tellin' Scott Sheffield he can't join Exxon's crew! They reckon he be in cahoots with OPEC to lessen the flow of oil. Aye, the seas be rough for this ol' sea dog! Arrr!

Arrr me hearties, listen up ye scallywags! The Federal Trade Commission be layin' down the law on Pioneer's chief executive, Scott Sheffield. They be sayin' he can't be joinin' Exxon's board, as he be colludin' with OPEC to reduce oil production. Aye, 'tis a scandalous tale of treachery and deceit!
Ye see, the FTC be keepin' a close eye on these scurvy dogs in the oil industry, makin' sure they be playin' fair and square. But it seems that Scott Sheffield be tryin' to pull a fast one on 'em, makin' deals behind closed doors with OPEC to line his own pockets.
But fear not, me hearties, for justice be swift and sure in these waters. The FTC be showin' no mercy to those who be breakin' the rules. So let this be a lesson to all ye pirates out there - beware the wrath of the Federal Trade Commission, for they be watchin' ye every move!

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