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Arrr! Israel's president be cryin' foul on them land lubbers in US universities fer bein' anti-Semitic scallywags!


Arrr! Israeli President Isaac Herzog be talkin' 'bout them scurvy antisemitic encampments poppin' up at fancy US colleges like UCLA and Columbia. Them bilge rats best be walkin' the plank if they be messin' with our mateys!

Israel’s president condemned the antisemitic encampments at elite colleges and universities in the US, calling the perpetrators "masked cowards" who commit violence and intimidation. President Isaac Herzog addressed the Jewish community feeling victimized by these demonstrations, vowing to stand strong against the assault on truth and history. He emphasized the need to fight for civil liberties and the right to live proudly as Jews and Israelis. Herzog expressed solidarity with those facing hostility and threats, assuring them that Israel stands with them.The president’s remarks came before Holocaust Remembrance Day, aiming to combat the resurgence of antisemitism. In contrast, Iran supported the anti-Israel protests, criticizing US security forces for their treatment of demonstrators. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian condemned the American government's support for Israel, highlighting a dual policy on freedom of expression.Police at UCLA dismantled an anti-Israel encampment amid confrontations with left-wing agitators. The situation reflects a broader trend of escalating tensions on college campuses, with Herzog calling for unity and resilience in the face of hatred and antisemitism.

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