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Avast ye scallywags! Russia be tryin' to stop us from takin' our cannons to the stars! Aye, 'tis a proper joke!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags in Russia be tryin' to ban weapons in outer space, but only after sayin' no to the idea from the United States and Japan. 'Tis like askin' fer rum after ye've already walked the plank! Aye, they be playin' games with us!

Russia be talkin' 'bout a U.N. resolution makin' all countries be preventin' weapons in space "for all time" after they be sayin' no to a U.S.-Japan resolution to stop an arms race in space. The Russian resolution be goin' further than the U.S.-Japan one, callin' for stoppin' weapons from bein' deployed in outer space and preventin' "the threat or use of force in outer space," also "for all time." It be includin' deployin' weapons from space to Earth and from Earth to space.When Russia vetoed the U.S.-Japan draft, they be sayin' it didn't go far enough in bannin' all types of weapons in space. The vetoed resolution be only focusin' on weapons of mass destruction like nuclear arms, and not mentionin' other weapons in space. The vote be endin' 7 in favor, 7 against, and one abstention, with the amendment bein' defeated for not gettin' enough "yes" votes.The U.S. ambassador be questionin' why Russia be not supportin' resolutions reaffirmin' the rules, accusin' Russia of underminin' global treaties and walkin' away from arms control obligations. Both the Russian and U.S.-Japan resolutions be callin' for preventin' an arms race in space and promotin' peaceful use of outer space.It be a battle of words and vetoes in the high seas of the U.N., with accusations flyin' like cannonballs between Russia and the U.S. over weapons in space and arms control. Arrr, the diplomatic seas be turbulent indeed!

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