The Booty Report

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Arrr, U.C.L.A. be tryin' to make sense o' a wild week o' happenings on the high seas!


Arrr mateys, as me hearties be cleanin' up the mess left behind by them landlubbers, we be wonderin' how the fine establishment could be so bunglin' in dealin' with the uproar o'er the war in Gaza. Avast ye, what a hullabaloo!

Arrr mateys! As the crews be clearin' the remnants of an encampment, the scallywags, er, students and faculty members be scratchin' their heads wonderin' how the university could have handled protests over the war in Gaza so badly. They be gossipin' in the halls, sayin' the administration be as lost as a one-legged pirate in a storm!
Some be sayin' the university be as clueless as a landlubber tryin' to sail the high seas. Others be thinkin' the officials be more tangled than a mermaid's hair in a hurricane. The whole situation be as chaotic as a mutiny on a ghost ship!
But fear not, me hearties! The students and faculty be bandin' together like a fearsome crew on a quest for buried treasure. They be plannin' to make their voices heard and demand better treatment from the powers that be. The university better be listenin', or they'll be facin' a storm of protest fiercer than a kraken attack!
So batten down the hatches and prepare for a battle of wits, me mateys. The university may have made a mess of things, but the crew of protesters be ready to set things right. Onward, to victory!

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