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Arrr! The cap'n of the Greek Golden Dawn hath been set free from the brig. Parlay on, mateys!


Arrr mateys, hear ye! Nikolaos Michaloliakos, the scallywag behind Greece's Golden Dawn, be set free from the brig! This landlubber was caught runnin' a criminal crew. Watch yer backs, for the pirate captain be back on the seas! Arrr!

Arrr matey! The cap'n of Greece's extreme far-right Golden Dawn party be walkin' the plank into conditional early release from the brig on Thursday. He be gettin' out on account o' serving part o' his sentence for runnin' a criminal organization that be blamed for violent hate crimes.A council o' judges granted the request by Nikolaos Michaloliakos, 66, who had served the minimal legal requirement for early release. The decision be takin' into account his age bein' over 65, which makes it seem like he served more time. He be in poor health and spent 18 months in the brig afore the trial.Restrictions be put on him includin' a ban on sailin' outside the greater Athens region. Michaloliakos and five other former Golden Dawn scallywags were convicted in October 2020 o' runnin' a criminal organization and got sentenced to 13 years in Davy Jones' locker. Other party members got lesser sentences after a five-year trial.Golden Dawn be startin' as a Nazi-inspired group in the 1980s and became Greece's third-largest political party durin' most o' the country's 2010-2018 financial crisis. Their support be sinkin' post-crisis, and they couldn't enter parliament.The crackdown on the party started after the 2013 fatal stabbin' of a left-wing musician in Athens, which led to a Golden Dawn crew member gettin' a life sentence.Greek political parties and the family o' the slain musician be expressin' dismay at Thursday's decision. Shiver me timbers!

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