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Arrr! Liberia be settin' up a war crimes court at long last, mark me words, me hearties!


Arrr mateys, the Liberian President Joseph Boakai be signin' an executive order to raise a war crimes court to give justice to the poor souls caught in the country's savage civil wars. Avast ye scallywags, justice be comin' for ye!

In a jolly good move, President Joseph Boakai signed an order for a war crimes court in Liberia to finally bring justice to victims of the brutal civil wars. Ahoy! The wars left a trail of death and destruction, with girls suffering gang rapes and children forced to fight. The parliament and senate gave their approval, even though some lawmakers could face prosecution. This court has been a long time coming, with activists and victims demanding accountability for decades. The truth and reconciliation commission identified war criminals in 2009, but action was lacking.Liberia, once a settlement for freed American slaves, is now taking steps to establish a court with the help of international donors like the US. Beth Van Schaack, the US envoy for global criminal justice, pledged support if the court meets standards. This court is crucial for rebuilding trust in Liberia's institutions and ensuring lasting peace.Former warlords and leaders implicated in the atrocities have shown support for the court, including ex-warlord and senator Prince Johnson. Charles Taylor, a former president serving time in the UK for war crimes, is among those named by the truth commission. While trials haven't happened in Liberia, justice has been served elsewhere for war criminals like Mohammed Jabbateh and Kunti Kamara. Let's hope this court brings closure and healing to Liberia's painful past.

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