The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! The scurvy dogs in Haiti be causin' trouble again, right after a new cap'n is named.


Arrr, ye scallywags from Haiti be causin' a ruckus in Port-au-Prince! They be swappin' shots with the law and settin' fire to homes while folks be scramblin' for safety like rats on a sinkin' ship. A fine mess indeed!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, ye scurvy dogs, listen up! Gangs in Haiti be layin' siege to neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince, burnin' homes and swappin' gunfire with the coppers for hours on end. Arr, the attacks started late Wednesday in areas like Solino and Delmas, near the airport that's been shut for months due to the non-stop gang violence. The streets be quiet as a ghost town, with folks fleein' for their lives carryin' what little they can salvage in dusty suitcases and plastic bags.The swashbucklers be lootin' the National Library and causin' chaos in the city, with gunshots ringin' out and families bein' torn apart in the mayhem. Even old salty sea dogs like Martineda be left homeless, tryin' to make a livin' sellin' butter from her head-load of goods.But fear not, me hearties, for the new prime minister and his crew be tryin' to steer the ship right in the face of these scurvy dogs. The people be demandin' safety and the U.N. be keepin' a watchful eye on the situation, tallyin' up the casualties and the fleein' refugees. The battle be fierce, but some brave souls like Vanessa Vieux be standin' their ground, trustin' in the police to protect their homes from the pirate gangs. May the winds of fortune blow in their favor as they navigate the treacherous waters of Haiti's gang-infested shores!

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