The Booty Report

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Arr, o'er 2,000 scallywags be caught during anti-Israel scuffles on the land lubber's college grounds! Aye, justice be served!


Arrr mateys! 'Tis been reported that o'er 2,000 scallywags have been clapped in irons at college ports across the American seas fer causin' mischief against Israel! 'Twas a grand spectacle indeed, with tents poppin' up like mushrooms after a rainstorm! Ye best be watchin' yer step, ye landlubbers!

In recent weeks, nearly 2,200 anti-Israel agitators have been arrested at college campuses across the United States, leading to police using riot gear and flash-bang devices to restore order. These protesters are criticizing the Israel-Hamas war and the increasing civilian death toll in Palestine. At Columbia University, over 100 protesters were arrested as officers cleared out the campus. UCLA also saw at least 200 arrests as protesters demanded the university stop supporting Israel. The Associated Press recorded 56 unique incidents at 43 U.S. colleges since April 18. Other colleges like Dartmouth, USC, and City College of New York also saw arrests of anti-Israel protesters. President Biden finally addressed the movement, defending the right to peaceful protest but condemning violence. The demonstrations began at Columbia on April 17, with students advocating for an end to the Israel-Hamas war, which has resulted in thousands of Palestinian deaths. Israel's offensive in Gaza was in response to a deadly attack by Hamas terrorists.

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