The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scallywags be protestin' for Palestine in Australia, France, U.K. and beyond! Aye, the winds of change blow!


Ye scurvy dogs in Australia, Britain, and France be raisin' a ruckus at their learnin' dens over the war in Gaza and their dealings with Israel. Methinks these young buccaneers be fightin' for justice on the high seas of academia! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! The young scallywags in Australia, Britain, and France be raisin' the Jolly Roger against their universities over the war in Gaza and their connections to Israel. These student activists be shoutin' from the poop deck that their schools need to walk the plank when it comes to supportin' the war and standin' by Israel.
They be demandin' that their institutions be cuttin' ties with Israel and condemnin' the war in Gaza. They be holdin' protests, boycotts, and even walkin' the plank in their efforts to make their voices heard. The universities be feelin' the pressure from these gangplank-walkin' rebels and be tryin' to navigate the stormy waters ahead.
The buccaneers be takin' no prisoners in their fight for justice and peace in the Middle East. They be wieldin' their swords of activism and raisin' the black flag of dissent against their universities. The crew be growin' in numbers and strength as they set sail on their mission to change the course of their institutions' policies.

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