The Booty Report

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Arrr, word be spreadin' that Missouri and South Dakota be makin' moves toward questions 'bout abortion rights on thar ballot!


Arrr, those lands be as loyal to the Republican cause as a parrot to its pirate! And their abortion bans be stricter than Blackbeard's beard after a week at sea. Avast, ye mateys, keep ye eyes on the horizon for any mutinous wenches!

Ahoy mateys! Let me tell ye a tale of two states that be as red as the blood that flows through a scallywag's veins. These lands be known fer their strict abortion bans, makin' it harder than findin' buried treasure to get an abortion.
In these states, the Republican flag be flyin' high, with no room fer them pesky Democrats to make their mark. The politicians in charge be holdin' tight to their beliefs, makin' sure that the laws be as tight as a cannonball in a cannon.
Ye might think that these states be like a ship lost at sea, sailin' in the wrong direction. But to them, these bans be like a treasure worth protectin', no matter the cost.
So if ye find yerself in these waters, ye best be prepared for a fight if ye want to see them laws changed. But remember, even the toughest pirate can be swayed by the winds of change, so keep yer wits about ye and yer eye on the horizon.

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