The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The breaking of a treaty may be a blessing for Taiwan, aye! Huzzah for freedom!


Arrr mateys! The U.S. be like a crafty pirate, breakin' treaties and creatin' new weapons to thwart any Chinese scallywags tryin' to invade. We be ready to defend our booty with all our might! Aye, the seas be treacherous, but we be prepared to fight!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The landlubber U.S. be makin' some new weapons to fend off them pesky Chinese invaders. Pullin' out of that agreement with Russia in 2019 gave 'em the freedom to develop all sorts of fancy gadgets to protect their precious shores. Now, they got cannons that can shoot further than ye can see on a clear day, and swords sharp enough to slice through even the toughest enemy ships.
But don't ye worry, me hearties! The U.S. ain't plannin' on startin' no trouble with China. They be just protectin' what be rightfully theirs. And who knows, maybe them Chinese scallywags will think twice before tryin' to mess with the big, bad U.S. now that they know what be waitin' for 'em.
So next time ye hear about them new weapons the U.S. be cookin' up, just remember it's all in the name of keepin' the seas safe and sound. And if any Chinese invaders do come knockin', well, let's just say they better be ready for a fight they won't soon forget!

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