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Arrr! Georgia PM be blastin' US scallywags for talkin' nonsense 'bout their draft law. 'Tis all a load o' bilge!


Arr matey, the cap'n of Georgia be givin' the ol' heave-ho to them scallywags from the U.S. for their natterin' about a "foreign agents" law. He be sayin' it be naught but lies and a reminder of past meddlin'. Aye, he be standin' tall against the bilge rats!

In a jolly tale of political strife on the high seas, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze swatted away U.S. criticism of a draft "foreign agents" law, declaring it to be nothing but a pack of scurrilous lies. The proposed law, which would force organizations funded more than 20% from abroad to register as foreign agents, has sparked uproar in the streets of Tbilisi, with protesters waving their banners high.The European Union and the United States have issued warnings to Tbilisi, cautioning against the legislation and its potential impact on Georgia's European aspirations. The chaos in the Georgian parliament, with lawmakers throwing punches in true pirate fashion, reflects a broader battle for the country's future - will it sail towards Europe or be dragged back under Moscow's shadow?Kobakhidze, with a twinkle in his eye, recounted to a U.S. diplomat how previous American meddling had led to violence and chaos, urging for a fair and honest approach in their relations. Meanwhile, Bidzina Ivanishvili, the swashbuckling billionaire behind the ruling party, vowed to defend Georgia's sovereignty, accusing the West of stirring up trouble. In this rollicking saga of political intrigue, only time will tell who will emerge victorious in this high-seas showdown.

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