The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, ‘Star Wars’ swashbucklers be fixin' the old films with their crafty edits, aye! Savin' cinematic treasures, they be!


Arr, George Lucas be wishin' fer them films to disappear, but some scallywags spent a whole decade fixin' 'em up like a fine rum. Preservin' the old "Star Wars" trilogy just like ye saw 'em in the picture houses. Aye, may the force be with 'em!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale that'll shiver yer timbers! It be said that the great George Lucas himself be wantin' to bury the original “Star Wars” trilogy, sendin' them to Davy Jones' locker to be forgotten forever. But fear not, for there be a group of dedicated fans who be workin' tirelessly for over ten years to bring back the films to their former glory!
They be usin' their digital skills to restore the movies to their original state, so that future generations can enjoy them as they were meant to be seen - on the big screen, with all the swashbucklin' action and space battles intact. These brave souls be fightin' against the tide, keepin' the legacy of the original trilogy alive and well.
So raise a tankard of grog to these fine folks, for their efforts be as noble as any quest for buried treasure. Let's hope that their hard work be enough to keep the original “Star Wars” trilogy from fadin' into oblivion, and that we can continue to enjoy these cinematic treasures for years to come. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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