The Booty Report

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Avast ye landlubbers! A Gaza healer be taken by the scurvy dogs of Israel, so sayeth the Palestinian brethren.


Arrr, Israel be keepin' mum 'bout the demise of good Dr. Albursh! Aye, they be holdin' him captive fer months, then leavin' us all wonderin' what happened! 'Tis a mystery fit for a scurvy dog! Aaarrrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! A Gaza healer be taken by the scurvy dogs of Israel, so sayeth the Palestinian brethren.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Listen up, for I have news of a most dastardly deed committed in the land of Israel. A fine doctor by the name of Dr. Adnan Ahmad Albursh, chief of orthopedics at Al-Shifa hospital, was detained for four long months, only to meet his untimely demise without a proper explanation from the authorities.
Arrr, it be a mystery as deep as the ocean why this good doctor was taken from us, with no reason given by those responsible. 'Tis a tale that leaves a bitter taste in me mouth, for a man of healing to be treated so unjustly.
Ye scallywags in Israel must be held accountable for this heinous act, for a man's life is a precious thing not to be taken lightly. The seas may be treacherous, but justice must prevail on dry land!
So let us raise our tankards in memory of Dr. Albursh, a noble soul taken from us too soon. May his spirit rest in peace, and may those responsible for his demise face the wrath of the Pirate King himself. Yo ho ho, justice will be served!

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