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Be ye ponderin' if 'The Idea of You' be Harry Styles fan fiction, me hearties? Avast, such musings be absurd!


Arrr, the scallywags behind the camera be doin' a better job o' matchin' the stars with their characters than the author did. But by Blackbeard's beard, that don't mean the film owes nothin' to the musician!

Arrr mateys! Let me tell ye a tale of the high seas and the silver screen. The filmmakers be doin' a fine job of makin' sure the stars match the characters they play in the movies, better than the book ever did. But don't ye be thinkin' that means the movie owes anythin' to the musician who inspired the character.
Ye see, just because a pirate be resemblin' a famous musician in looks or actions, don't mean they be beholden to that musician for their performance. The moviemakers be creatin' a whole new world and story around that character, bringin' them to life in a way that be separate from the musician's influence.
So next time ye be watchin' a swashbucklin' adventure on the big screen, remember that the actors be bringin' those characters to life on their own terms, not beholden to the musicians who may have inspired them. Arrr, the magic of the movies be in the storytellin', not in the similarities to real life figures. Raise the Jolly Roger and enjoy the show, me hearties!

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