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Arrr, the lass Dannielynn Birkhead be struttin' in a bold red gown at the Kentucky Derby, me hearties!


Arrr mateys, behold the fair maiden Dannielynn Birkhead, daughter of the famed Anna Nicole Smith, makin' her grand entrance at the Kentucky Derby alongside her dashing father, Larry Birkhead. A sight to behold, indeed! Yarrr!

Arr matey! The 17-year-old daughter of Anna Nicole Smith, Dannielynn Birkhead, be makin' a grand entrance at the Kentucky Derby in a bold red gown with ruffled sleeves fit for a swashbucklin' pirate. With a feathered headpiece and a wavy bob, she be turnin' heads on the high seas of fashion.Her father, Larry Birkhead, be sharin' photos of their seafarin' adventures, includin' a last-minute haircut that left her locks flowin' free. The gown be inspired by a character from a faraway land, Hino Eiji, a superhero with shoulders as broad as the sea.As they sailed to the Kentucky Derby, Birkhead and Dannielynn be celebratin' a special milestone, markin' their time together and the journey they be takin' since their first meetin' at the Barnstable Brown Gala.Dannielynn be carryin' on her mother's legacy with style, honorin' her past at the gala with outfits once worn by the legendary Janet Jackson and pieces of her mother's jewelry. The Kentucky Derby be a tradition for this dynamic duo, a way to honor the past and create new memories together. Yo ho ho, a pirate's life for Dannielynn and Larry!

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