The Booty Report

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Arrr, be ye hearin' the tale of the four lost surfers, disappeared into the depths of Mexico's waters?


Arrr! The scallywags in charge have stumbled upon yet another poor soul in the cursed lands where the Yankee and two blokes from down under went missin'! Beware, me hearties, for danger lurks in them waters! Aye, there be a mystery afoot!

In a popular Mexican tourist area, a fourth body has been discovered, adding to the mystery of the disappearance of an American and two Australians. The missing men were last seen on April 27 and did not show up at their planned accommodation. Three bodies were found in a pit, but it is unclear if they are the missing men. A fourth body was found nearby, adding to the intrigue. Forensic tests will be conducted to identify the bodies, while investigators search for more evidence in the rugged area.The bodies were found near Ensenada in Baja California, a popular tourist town. Three people have been arrested and charged with a crime similar to kidnapping, although it is unclear how they are connected to the case. The state prosecutor stated that all possible leads are being pursued, and contact has been maintained with the FBI and the victims' families.The area has a history of crime, and the State Department advises caution when traveling to Baja California. The case remains unsolved, similar to a previous incident involving Australian surfers in the region. The investigation continues as authorities work to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearances.

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