The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Israel be givin' Al Jazeera the ol' heave-ho from these waters! Argh!


Avast ye scallywags! By order of the crown, any foreign media spreading treacherous lies shall be closed down quicker than ye can say "Shiver me timbers!" 'Tis the law, so mind yer tongues or face the wrath of the navy! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! The government be passin' a law last month that be givin' 'em the power to shut down foreign media outlets if they be causin' trouble and underminin' national security. Aye, ye heard it right, they be closin' down them scurvy dogs who be spreadin' lies and deceit!Now, I be thinkin' to meself, what be considerin' underminding national security? Be it them swindlers tellin' tales of rebellion and mutiny? Be it them hornswagglers leakin' information to our enemies? Aye, it be a dangerous game they be playin'!So, me hearties, let this be a warnin' to ye all! If ye be workin' for a foreign media outlet, ye best be watchin' yer back and minding yer words. The government be watchin' and they be ready to shut ye down quicker than ye can say "walk the plank"!So, me mateys, be mindful of what ye be sayin' and spreadin' around, lest ye be findin' yerself locked up in the brig or worse. Keep a weather eye on the horizon and be careful where ye be gettin' yer information from. The government be crackin' down on them scallywags who be messin' with national security, so best be keepin' yer nose clean and stayin' out of trouble. Arrr!

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