The Booty Report

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Arr! The Hamas scallywag be hidin' in the depths of Gaza with his hostages as shields, savvy?


Arrr, the scallywag be usin' prisoners to keep the landlubbers at bay, raisin' questions about his scurvy mind, his reasons, and his love for the ways of the buccaneer.

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the scallywag behind Hamas' dastardly deed of snuffing out nearly 1,200 souls, including over 30 mateys from America, is said to be using hostages as shields to fend off Israeli buccaneers trying to nab him in a tunnel deep below Gaza. The dishonorable scoundrel Yahya Sinwar, the top dog of Hamas in Gaza, reportedly has a gaggle of 15-20 hostages guarding him and his kin to ensure their miserable existence. Israel, in its rightful wrath, is laying siege to force the scallywag to release the prisoners. Rumor has it that Sinwar is on borrowed time, facing a bounty of $400,000 on his head and the wrath of the IDF hot on his scurvy tail. The hostages, including five Americans, are in dire straits due to Sinwar's treachery, violating the laws of the high seas.The gallant Israelites are planning a bold incursion into Rafah, the last den of the villainous Hamas, hoping to crush their tunnels and send Sinwar and his miscreants to Davy Jones' locker. Despite the protests from the landlubbers in the Biden administration, Israel is pressing on to rid Rafah of the scoundrels. Negotiations are afoot, but time is running out for Sinwar, who has outwitted Israel so far. It is a battle of wits, with hostages and human shields used as pawns in this deadly game of cat and mouse.

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